What Are The Mental Health Effects Of Abortion?

After an abortion, many women struggle with their mental health. Some of the emotions that can be difficult to live with include: Sadness  Loss Guilt Anyone considering an abortion procedure should first speak with a physician to better understand how it can impact both their physical and mental health. Mental Health Defined The U.S. Department

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What Are The Different Types of Abortion? 

There are two main types of abortion techniques. Those being: Medical Abortion Surgical Abortion One may be chosen over the other depending on the pregnancy’s gestational age, your health history, preference, and other medical factors. Women contemplating an abortion should speak to a trusted professional about all their options so they can make an informed

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STD Testing Accuracy: How Accurate Are STD Tests?

STD tests are usually quite accurate and rarely give a false negative. False results may occur from home tests where users do not correctly administer the test. Contact your local health center or physician immediately if you suspect you received a false result. What Is An STD? An STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease, an

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Can STDs Go Away On Their Own?

Technically, yes, some STDs, such as HPV, can go away on their own. However, the majority of STDs are not spontaneously resolved and can have serious health implications if they are left untreated. How Do I Know What Types to Get Tested For? If you’re a sexually active woman, the CDC recommends that you get

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How Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect Women’s Rights?

When Roe was overturned in June 2022, many women wondered what this meant for their rights and how this would impact the country. However, post-Roe, no matter which side women stand on, they can now vote on abortion rights and how they believe their state should regulate it. What Did the Reversal Mean? Originally in

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Does the New Indiana Law Ban Abortion Outright? 

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many states have spent the past few months deciding their stance on abortion through the legislative process. Some states have restricted abortion access, while others have decided to protect it.  In the state of Indiana, legislators passed a new law to terminate the licenses of abortion clinics so

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Can Women Die if They Can’t Have An Abortion?

There are rare circumstances that women can face during pregnancy that necessitates termination of pregnancy. If this situation presents itself, and the woman does require such life-saving measures to be taken, a pregnancy can be terminated to save the woman’s life. To Qualify for Life-Saving Treatment, Does a Woman Have To Live in States That

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Roe v. Wade Overturned: Separating Fact From Fiction

After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, there has been a lot of confusion and uncertainty about what it means for women’s rights and healthcare, including here in Terre Haute.  If you are concerned you might be pregnant, be assured that your well-being is our top priority. As always, we are here to

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What Are The Risks of Abortion?

Staring at a positive pregnancy test can be devastating. If you’re currently wondering how to move forward with an unplanned pregnancy, we’re here for you. At the CPC, we provide answers to your questions as well as education about the options available to you.  Before you undergo any kind of medical procedure, it’s important to

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Are STDs Contagious?

Yes. Every year the CDC reports millions of STD infections. Anyone engaging in any kind of sexual activity is at risk for contracting or giving someone an STD. In some cases, an STD can even be passed from mother to child during pregnancy.  If you are sexually active, it’s a good practice to regurally get

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